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I'm also writing at Substack - Why not be a saint?

Hi there friends - so grateful for you subscribing to this blog and please forgive my general absence from this site. I could give you a number of reasons - like I started teaching two courses at Tyndale Seminary or my hip replacement surgery or my wife's cancer diagnosis or the fact that I dropped off my youngest across the country for university - but I won't (I sort of did, didn't I? By the way, teaching at Tyndale is such a rich experience, my wife Betty is doing really well, my new hip is fabulous - can't wait to ski this winter - and I miss my kids but am looking forward to what God opens up in this empty-nest season). Honestly, I've mostly been unorganized and failed to protect the time and space to write. Enough of you have said "So when are you going to write some more?" so here goes.

I'll continue to write here on this site but I've also started a Substack newsletter (Why not be a saint?) where I'll write more on spiritual formation, how we participate in the life of Jesus, how to live up and into the identity of a saint (an everyday saint, people with tilted halos). Think of it as Christian spirituality minus the harsh legalism and pious perfectionism.

I'd be honoured if you subscribed to that newsletter, and look forward to interacting with you there. You can read about the newsletter and subscribe at this link -

And if you appreciate it, please do recommend or share it with others.

"The only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life, is not to become a saint.” (Leon Bloy)

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